Crystal Lollipops Recipe

Easy homemade lollipops
Ingredients• Isomalt (crystals): 7 oz
• Water: 1 oz
• Rice paper photos or hard candies
• Lollipop sticks
To hydrate, place the isomalt and water over medium heat for approximately 12 minutes.
Mix well initially and continue stirring once in a while during cooking.
How to Prepare the lollipops with hard candies:
• After letting the mixture cool for 5 minutes, choose the candies of your choice.
In the Flexarte silicone mold, add the syrup, add the lollipop stick, add the candies and finish with the syrup.
In the Flexarte silicone mold, add the syrup, add the lollipop stick, add the candies and finish with the syrup.
With rice paper photos:
• After letting the mixture cool for 5 minutes, choose the rice paper photo of your choice.
In the Flexarte silicone mold, add the syrup, add the lollipop stick, add the rice paper photo and complete with the syrup.
Allow the mixture to cool for about 30 minutes until dry.
Lastly, just wrap them and let’s party!
By Mariza Santos (from @sweetbuque)